Cheongdam Dermatology One Day Elasticity Care Inmode and Botox at once Oracle Dermatology One-Day Elasticity Care One-day elasticity care quickly and surely improves skin elasticity with 'Inmode, Botulax, and Xeomin'. Its advantage is that it can deal with wrinkles by area such as the forehead, eyes, and nasolabial folds, as well as improving overall facial elasticity. Inmode High-frequency energy removes unnecessary fat and promotes collagen regeneration by sequentially pulling SMAS (fascia layer) ▶ dermis layer ▶ epidermis layer three times, and it is a non-surgical laser lifting that has excellent effects in lifting skin with reduced elasticity, fine wrinkles, and skin texture. . 3 step lifting - Reduction of saggy cheeks and double chin - Collagen remodeling - Skin tone UP 2 modes of the 2nd generation in-mode MINI FX Eliminates unwanted fat HVP energy kills fat cells with 45-47 degree heat #Improvement of double chin #Improvement of sagging cheeks FORMA Dermal Lifting M...